Southland Fly Fishing Club

Fly Fishing is Fun

Fly Tying



  My Flies
  My Flies contains fly patterns prepared by Dave Harris
  My Flies


     Fly Patterns in Ripples

During the winter period the Southland Fly Fishing Club holds a Fly Tying Competition.

Generally the fly patterns are published in the Ripples newsletter prior to the competition

There are also some other fly patterns that are featured in the Ripples.

Below is a list of fly patterns and which Ripples they are in. Click on the month to open the newsletter.


  CDC emerger July 2024
  Green Stonefly nymph June 2024
  Parachute dad's favourite May 2024
  Elk hair caddis April 2024
  Timberlake Emeger August 2023
  Diving beetle July 2023
  Parachute adams June 2023
  Alexandrina May 2023
  Spinner April 2023
  Highland Dun Variant August 2022
  Muddler minnow July 2022
  Klinkhamer Special June 2022
  Mouse May 2022
  Black Spider April 2022
  Pitsford Pea mini lure August 2021
  Pheasant tail   July 2021
  Royal Wulff   June 2021
  Kilwell N0. 1   May 2021
  Blue bottle dry    April 2021
  Thin skin caddis  November 2020
  Coch-y-bondhu   August 2020
  Black Beetle  July 2020
  Stimulator dry June 2020
  Flash back pheasant tail May 2020
  Deer hair emerger  April 2020
  Cicada    August2019
  Olive woolly bugger   June 2019
  Pheasant tail    May 2019
  Hares ear nymph   April 2019
  Magoo  August 2018
  Damsel mink June 2018
  Parachute adams   May 2018
  Black creeper  April 2018
  Pheasant tail  July 2017
  Damsel fly nymph  June 2017
  Fairlight caddis May 2017
  Parachute dry fly January 2017
  Mataura Flymph August 2016
  Green stonefly  June 2016
  Black foam blowfly May 2015
  Madame X  April 2015
  Red damsel dry  August 2015
  Partridge & orange  June 2015
  Spent spinner May 2015
  CDC nymph April 2015
  Les’s wee wet   August 2014
  Wee muddler   May 2014
  One fly emerger  April 2014
  Simon’s killer nymph August 2013
  Zugbug   July 2013